Jacqueline Hartmann

Yoga Instructor + Reiki Practitioner + Akashic Record Reader + Doula

Jacqueline is a 500hr registered yoga teacher, reiki master, birth & postpartum doula and an akashic record reader. She is also a women’s circle facilitator and believes one of her soul’s missions in this lifetime is to support the rise of the divine feminine on this planet by guiding sisters out of fear and home to love.

Connect with Jacqueline!
For more information on how to book a 1:1 akashic record reading and all of her other offerings including yoga and reiki email Jacqueline at

Jacqueline has a free private women’s group on Facebook where she shares yoga flows, guided meditations and akashic channelings as well as details on her current and upcoming workshops and events! Head to Facebook and search: “Yoga, meditation & soul chats with Jac” to join!

this meditation is all about trusting yourself, mamas! throughout pregnancy, labor, birth and motherhood we are bombarded with outside opinions and ideas- cultivating that deeper, inner trust within is essential for you to stay grounded in your truth and your power throughout all stages of this beautiful motherhood journey

a gentle, grounding prenatal yoga flow that is safe for all trimesters. Within this practice we’ll focus on breath, a mantra for deeper trust, and an opening of the hips and hamstrings. Take some time to tend to your body, mind, spirit and baby with this gentle prenatal yoga flow.

the akashic records refer to the energetic record of every soul that has ever existed past, present and future- by tapping into this spiritual realm of information, Jacqueline offers guidance that comes through in the highest vibrational frequency of love and truth

To transform your daily routines in inspired RITUALS

RITUAL LAB was created with intentional, energetically-aligned themes to help you access your inner wisdom + intuition and flow with ease in your life...