Amber Clair

Yoga Instructor + Astrologer

As a steward of consciousness, Amber serves as a yoga instructor and astrologer who is passionate about reconnecting individuals back to their true essence.

She inherited her love for uncovering the deeper mysteries of life from her mom, who as an astrologer, planned her birth according to the cosmos. Amber grew up with her family’s birth charts framed on the wall and at age 7, taught herself how to read her own birth chart.

Through natal chart sessions and Yoga Nidra practices, Amber guides those who seek to become more self-aware and delve into the recesses of who they are to uncover their souls highest calling. She feels that strengthening and expanding our individual consciousness is the most important thing we can do for the healing and transformation of this planet.

Amber is devoted to helping others clarify the image of themselves by tuning into the voice of their intuition, embracing creative self-expression, and sharing their unique gifts with the world.

you will be guided through various layers and levels of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body, surfing the subtle dimensions of reality, themes are drawn from astrology, nature and mythic symbology to take you on a journey to explore your inner world and reconnect you with your true essence

To transform your daily routines in inspired RITUALS

RITUAL LAB was created with intentional, energetically-aligned themes to help you access your inner wisdom + intuition and flow with ease in your life...